Global Replace

The Global Replace tool permits authorized users to replace a value in one or more fields in a set of records with a different value. It can be used to:

  • Correct the spelling of a term in all fields in a module, e.g. baner with banner.
  • Change the case of the value in a field, e.g. UPPERCASE with Title case.
  • Standardize formatting, e.g. remove spaces between letters in an acronym, e.g. A.G.M. with AGM.
  • Replace an attached record with another record.
  • Remove a blank row in a multi-value field (e.g. a table).
  • Change the status of a record.

When a substitution has been defined it can be saved and re-run with other records. Note that a substitution can only be saved during the current session and is added to the Replace box:

When you log out of Vitalware, any substitutions defined are removed from the Replace box.


Note: With the Global Replace tool it is fairly simple to make major changes to your database and care should be taken in its use.

The Replace box works differently to other dialog boxes: all substitutions defined in the current session and displaying in the Replace box will be run when either Replace or Replace All is clicked. It is not possible to select just one substitution from the list to run. In the above example, even though the Department substitution is highlighted, both substitutions listed will be run.

Tip: Before adding a new substitution you may wish to remove substitutions that are no longer required.

Note: Details about working with the Global Replace tool in a multi-language environment can be found here.

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